Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Profile #3 (Non-Request)

Profile Picture: A girl

Background: Flowers or Flowers

Side Image: UGH! or/and ;;;;;;;;

The wavy hard sand 
was massaging my feet
when a startled crab
in the shallow sea
danced away from me
it doubted a while
should I dig in here
or tango some further 
It tangoed quite a bit on
A score of small fishes 
waltzed fast to the deep of the sea
Was is the crab
or were they also afraid of me? 

But the most wonderful dance
was still performed by the waves
white pearls of sweat 
ornamented their foreheads
they made the music
they sculpted the sand
The sand that was wavy
and still was massaging my feet.

Aufie Zophy

Friday, May 3, 2013

Profile #2 (Non-Request)

Pretty girl, who is to blame
Frightened girl, they don't know her name
Saddened girl, who cries at night
Distant girl, who's out of sight
Psycho girl, with scars on her wrists
Fairytale girl, who don't exist
Silent girl, without a name
Ignored girl, who's filled with shame
Faking girl, with plastic smiles
Freakish girl, from a thousand miles
Emotionless girl, cant feel much pain
Darkened girl, who brings the rain
Crying girl, tears start to flood
Psychotic girl, who drains her blood
Hated girl, who no one loves 
Such a weak girl, who's no longer though
Angry girl, there is no cure
Happy girl, she is no more
Hidden girl, she covers her scars
Prisoned girl, lived behind her life's bars
Crazy girl, who bleeds so much
Lonely girl, who's out of touch
Stupid girl, who no one likes
Beaten girl, who always fights
Pretty girl, don't give up now
Suicide girl, there's someway, somehow
Scared girl, don't be afraid
Distant girl, don't go away
Morbid girl, don't die tonight
Worried girl, it'll be alright
Stoner girl, tonight she'll smoke her sorrow
Alcoholic girl, she'll drink tomorrow
Furious girl, who has no more faith
Depressed girl, who cries and aches
Fallen girl, with broken wings
Disturbed girl, fell off the swing
Pretty girl, you are my friend
Aching girl, just try to mend
Ugly girl, not like before
Beautiful girl, she is no more
Pretty girl, who made her life end
Pretty again.. 

Side thing: Girl <3

Profile Picture: This Girl <3  or   That Girl <3

Background: Another Pink <3

Profile #1 (Non-Request)

Summer is the stuff of dreams.
 When adults sit at their desks, and children sit in school, 
they dream of summer. 
Summer is the time of infinite fun. 
The day seems to last forever, and the fun never stops. 
It is a time of romance, excitement and an enhanced enjoyment of life. 
Somehow summer never seems to last long enough. 
It is always over before we get a chance to fully experience its power.
 This is true of all things wonderful. 
They always seem too short.
CC BY 3.0

Align:      Center

Side Thing:   Turtle

Profile Picture: Girl

Background:  PINK <3          or         Other pink <3